Reach out to us by using the contact form below or calling (803) 402-4084.
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Send us your delivery address via the contact form below or chat directly with us by clicking the Chat Bar or Blue Circle at the bottom right of the screen.
How Does BagelGram NC work?
BagelGram NC is a Pre-Order Bagel delivery service.
Delivering "BagelGram's" around the city of Charlotte, NC and it's suburbs.
FIRST - Either pick your zone from the 9 delivery zones below -OR- click Step 1 to use the Zip Code search feature.
(Search results provided are the delivery dates available for your zip code.)
SECOND - Add at least 8 bagels to your cart
THIRD - Review cart and Checkout
FOURTH - Let us take it from here. We will make fresh dough, hand roll each bagel, let them proof for an evening and then kettle boil and bake them to perfect golden brown.
The BagelGram will be packed sweet with sweet and savory with savory. ET bagels and Garlic will be packed together but never with any other flavor. Sticky bagels like French Toast, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Sugared Cranberry will be packed in their own bags.
BagelGrams are delivered from 9am-Noon on the date stated in the Title and Description on the order form you choose,
Our delivery days are usually Tuesday through Saturday.
On Holiday's and during bad weather we may deliver up until 1PM.
Delivery fees ranging from $3 to $15. We also offer Plain Philadelphia Cream Cheese blocks for $5.00 each.
Bakery Pickup is not available. We currently only offer Delivery and Meetups within the delivery zones.
BGNC delivers to the following areas once or twice a month:
- Charlotte, Uptown to 485 - "South Charlotte Zone"
- Charlotte, "South East Zone". Includes Matthews - Weddington - Wesley Chapel - Stallings - Indian Trail - Hemby Bridge - Mint Hill - Lake Park - North Monroe(Monroe Airport going north)
- North Ballantyne/Piper Glen
- Cameron Wood Community - Includes Park Crossing and any neighborhood within 5 miles of Cameron Wood
- Fort Mill / Tega Cay
- Highland Creek/SkyBrook
- Huntersville to Mooresville
- Lake Wylie/Steele Creek
- Plaza Midwood/Noda
- Waxhaw/Marvin: includes Walnut Creek and Millbridge in SC
Join our Newsletter by submitting your zip code and email address HERE
Step 1 - Order form zip code search
Please enter your Zip Code:
Verify delivery to your address in Step 2 if a delivery form for your location is not displayed in the search results.